Eine interessante Buch-Neuerscheinung (über amazon für € 16,50 bestellbar) zum Thema Mobile Libraries stellt The Republican vor:
It’s true! In the country of Kenya, your librarian very well could be a camel! Author Margriet Ruurs discovered this fun fact and decided to create a book, entitled „My Librarian Is a Camel: How books Are Brought to Children Around the World“, which includes information on how fourteen different countries around the world get books to the youth. As Ruurs found out, there are many ways to transport books across the country, many of which require vehicles. But some countries, like Kenya, use a more natural approach: animals!
„My Librarian Is a Camel: How Books Are Brought to Children Around the World“ by Margriet Ruurs and published by Boyds Mills Press, Inc. can be purchased for $16.95. Along with the countries mentioned, it also includes information on eight other countries with mobile libraries. The book is also filled with color pictures, maps, and basic information about each country.